Bad Fanfic, Ahoy!(4:25:27 PM) Chester99: how would you feel about a little cross over action
(4:25:32 PM) Alex: ?
(4:25:37 PM) Chester99: the borg show up in the starwars universe circa empire
(4:25:43 PM) Alex: mmmm...nah
(4:25:52 PM) Alex: jedi killing trekies would be cool, tho
(4:26:13 PM) Chester99: borg + empire == darth vader fithing robots
(4:26:15 PM) Chester99: it would rule
(4:26:22 PM) Alex: "The force is with you, Jean-Luc."
(4:26:36 PM) Chester99: yeah, just the borg
(4:26:42 PM) Chester99: no other startrek nonsense
(4:26:45 PM) Alex: but we have darth vader fighting robots in ep III
(4:27:05 PM) Chester99: death star + borg cube == exciting action
(4:27:33 PM) Chester99: hm. I like this plan. patent pending.
(4:30:41 PM) Alex: geometric shape clash in space!
(4:31:09 PM) Alex: The Empire Strikes Borg - Going Boldly Where No Geek Has Gone Before
(4:34:01 PM) Chester99: Number one, I order you to take a number two on alex
(4:43:43 PM) Alex: you know, darth vader was the emperor's #2
(4:44:25 PM) Chester99: how could this not rule
(4:44:30 PM) Chester99: imagine if they borged up vader
(4:44:39 PM) Chester99: yes!
(4:44:40 PM) Alex: he's already borged up!
(4:44:51 PM) Chester99: ok, so they borg up vader, that puts the emperor at a disadvantage
(4:44:54 PM) Alex: he just doesn't have a red-dot sight on his head
(4:44:54 PM) Chester99: he has to find someone
(4:45:15 PM) Chester99: so luke agrees to join him to fight the now vader-lead borg
(4:45:35 PM) Chester99: oh, we should borg leiah too
(4:45:49 PM) Chester99: to create a parallell between the emperor/luke and vader/leigh
(4:46:01 PM) Chester99: this is fucking genius
(4:46:03 PM) Chester99: patent pending
(4:46:41 PM) Chester99: it sounds like really really bad fan fiction
(4:47:12 PM) Chester99: yeah, well, insults directed in your direction!!111
(4:47:17 PM) Alex: :P
Labels: blatant geekery, lawls