Bloggin' with AscentStudios

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Friday, February 15, 2008

Bad Fanfic, Ahoy!

(4:25:27 PM) Chester99: how would you feel about a little cross over action
(4:25:32 PM) Alex: ?
(4:25:37 PM) Chester99: the borg show up in the starwars universe circa empire
(4:25:43 PM) Alex: mmmm...nah
(4:25:52 PM) Alex: jedi killing trekies would be cool, tho
(4:26:13 PM) Chester99: borg + empire == darth vader fithing robots
(4:26:15 PM) Chester99: it would rule
(4:26:22 PM) Alex: "The force is with you, Jean-Luc."
(4:26:36 PM) Chester99: yeah, just the borg
(4:26:42 PM) Chester99: no other startrek nonsense
(4:26:45 PM) Alex: but we have darth vader fighting robots in ep III
(4:27:05 PM) Chester99: death star + borg cube == exciting action
(4:27:33 PM) Chester99: hm. I like this plan. patent pending.
(4:30:41 PM) Alex: geometric shape clash in space!
(4:31:09 PM) Alex: The Empire Strikes Borg - Going Boldly Where No Geek Has Gone Before
(4:34:01 PM) Chester99: Number one, I order you to take a number two on alex
(4:43:43 PM) Alex: you know, darth vader was the emperor's #2
(4:44:25 PM) Chester99: how could this not rule
(4:44:30 PM) Chester99: imagine if they borged up vader
(4:44:39 PM) Chester99: yes!
(4:44:40 PM) Alex: he's already borged up!
(4:44:51 PM) Chester99: ok, so they borg up vader, that puts the emperor at a disadvantage
(4:44:54 PM) Alex: he just doesn't have a red-dot sight on his head
(4:44:54 PM) Chester99: he has to find someone
(4:45:15 PM) Chester99: so luke agrees to join him to fight the now vader-lead borg
(4:45:35 PM) Chester99: oh, we should borg leiah too
(4:45:49 PM) Chester99: to create a parallell between the emperor/luke and vader/leigh
(4:46:01 PM) Chester99: this is fucking genius
(4:46:03 PM) Chester99: patent pending
(4:46:41 PM) Chester99: it sounds like really really bad fan fiction
(4:47:12 PM) Chester99: yeah, well, insults directed in your direction!!111
(4:47:17 PM) Alex: :P

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Blogger Chuckles said...

There was an email passed around my first freshman year that was a dicussion of the battle between a Borg Cube, the Death Star and the Vorlon Planet Killer from Babylon 5. The Borg Cube lost pretty quickly when it was hit by either of the big ships' main cannons.

Also, LAME.

On the other hand, in Battlelords of the 23rd Century, you can buy one HD (think light mech from Battletech) for the price of three to four high tech tanks. I have not yet playtested to see which would win. I might do that this weekend.

7:10 AM  

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