Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Revenge of the Blog

Hey everyone, happy New Year. Hope you and yours entered 2008 happily and safely.

After a long winter's "break" (which actually involved not only the holidays but a major purge/cleaning of our house, rewiring of my basement, and gutting and reconstruction of our bathroom), I'm back in the saddle and working away at a number of projects, including FantasyCraft (finally!).

First up is Cloak & Dagger, the fantasy espionage setting, which is actually coming along pretty well. It's fun to do a mishmash setting of some of my favorite ancient cultures in a genre that's both familiar and has plenty of room to play in. Espionage fantasy has been a subgenre that's largely virgin territory in nearly all media, so I'm hoping this grabs people where they live. There seems to be a fair amount of excitement from some of the diehards, so I'm hoping we can set it off :) If you haven't seen anything about C&D yet, click here for the teaser.

Aside from that and bathroom repairs, work is finally progressing on a board game I'm working on with a friend alongside my Crafty stuff. The first test went pretty well, with the game system holding up - now to add some more zip. Our playtest group was big enough to accomodate 2 tables and lots of good feedback, so it was a lot of fun seeing things running at the table. It's been a fun project to tinker with, and I'm glad to see my Spycraft-honed design chops are portable outside the box.

Speaking of which, World on Fire and 2.0 SP have *finally* hit the stands locally, but the good news seems to be retailers can't keep them in stock. I'm hoping that doesn't mean they stop stocking it, though :) Sales appear to be good, if the PDF and reports from the field are any realistic indication, and I think Mongoose's distribution machine is finally hitting its stride.

Well, I think that's it for my requisite "signs of life" post. Keep on coming back here or over in the Crafty blog for more info as we move forward...cheers lads.

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