Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

A-Conning We Will Go...

Well, it's been a busy two weeks leading up to Gencon Indy, but not nearly as frantic as they have been in years past. I kinda dig on this two weeks later thing. Of course, that's also managed to throw a serious monkeywrench into the works for me - I lost two roomates for the show this week, gained another two, turned away the old ones when they decided they were still coming, lost my chance for approval on a project I wanted to announce at the show, and my computer's power supply fan decided to die, nearly cooking my system. Great. But, we soldier on, and it should be a fun, if less hectic, show for it. Lessee what's doing...

Dark Inheritance should be releasing at the show, so that'll be cool to see it in the flesh. This book has become the Book That Would Not Die, with changes and changes and changes going back and forth between the designers, playtesters, and editors over and over again. I think it'll be a good looking book though - it's got a sexy design, much tighter writing, and awesome rules for those seeking Weird Stuff for their games, or who want to try a DungeonCraft blend of fantasy and Spycraft. Good stuff. Plus most if not all of the design team will be there to sign your copy if you buy it at the show. So come an' get it!

Speaking of designers, attendees will probably want to come to the Spycraft Q&A on Friday to get the dirt on next year's plans, along with a wrap up of what we were planning to do to the Shadowforce Archer universe before it died its unfortunate death. CCG fans may also want to come to the CCG dinner on Thursday, as I hear there may be some guests of honor there :D and of course, there's the new, improved Spycraft LARP on Saturday night, where most of the designers will be playing and I may drop in to deal some hands of cards.

Still no update on cool game related job. An insider where I applied mentioned that they were doing phone interviews last week and the week before, but I have received no official rejection, and no confirmation about the search. I know I'm up there - perhaps in the first run of backups, at least? - but it's still pretty shaky. I'll give you all the gory details when I know for sure.

Finally, as much as I would have liked to, I won't be able to make The Big Announcement at this show. Most likely, I won't even be able to run stealth demos. But if you find me, and you read this blog, mention 10kB to me and we may be able to find a place to show you some secrets.

Have a good show folks - I'll give you reports from the road when I can and when I return.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Initiate...Operation: Ejaculating Vengeance!

Check out this page of prospective US military operation code names. I dare you not to laugh out loud (Props to Clayton Oliver for the find).

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

*Happy Dance* AKA Fanboyism Part Troix

Just found the cast list for Sin City - there definately some interesting choices in there. This movie is *packed* with name actors. We all know about Mickey Rourke and Bruce Willis, but beyond that, we have Clive Owen as Dwight (I had him pegged as Kevin for sure), Elijah Wood as Kevin (he's probably out to destroy the vestiges of Mr. Frodo before he ends up like Mark Hamil), Benicio Del Toro as Jack the drunk cop, Michael Clark Duncan as Manute (perfect casting), and Jessica Alba as Nancy (that means she'll likely be getting nekkid...rowr). Can't say I'm complaining. Best of all, this releases the weekend before my birthday. This year it was Hellboy, next year, the next greatest comic book film. I cannot wait.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Pulp Revision

So I got a chance to sit down last night with Pulp Fiction last night, the first time I've seen it in nearly 8 years. I always considered myself a Reservoir Dogs sort of guy - the gritty noir story, the references to Ringo Lam's classic City on Fire, and the one-act play vibe all made it a damn sight better than Pulp Fiction in my view for a long time. So revisiting Pulp Fiction now, as an older (wiser? not likely) movie buff, I have to say - this movie is freakin' great. I never appreciated the subtle interplay between the characters - the sexual tension between Mia and Vince in the twist contest or the casual working friendship of Jules and Vince - nor the excellent dialogue. Though I have lambasted Tarentino on many occassions for his movie-geek hipster diatribes, I have to applaude him for the natural sounding (if unnaturally hip) conversations and exposition in the film. The cutting of the film no longer puts me off, either, as it did on my first viewing. Of course, as a born-again noir fan, I love the throwback noir story of Butch and his doublecross, and the twisted weaving of the character's lives throughout the plot. This, IMNSHO, was Tarentino the screenwriter and film afficianado at work, not Tarentino the rock star or Tarentino the avant-garde director of the moment. I like this Quentin much better.

Trivia question of the day
Continuing our Pulp Fiction theme, here's the trivia question of the day. Without looking at the credits or Internet Movie Database, tell me the character Steve Buscemi plays in Pulp Fiction, what scene he appears in and/or which characters he interacts with. Drop your answers in the comments. Remember, no cheating! Winner gets...a thousand points (I stole them from Whose Line Is It, Anyway?) and endless blog prestige. Your 15 seconds of fame