Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Monday, March 31, 2008

Make No Mistake

...the race is over, no matter what the pundits try and tell you.

I think the protracted fight against all odds from the Clinton camp is only the last ditch effort of the campaign to convince the voters, spoon-fed by a media starving to be rake in ad revenue and remain in the spotlight themselves, that those who do not win by what the campaign defines as "necessary victories" (ie everything HRC has already one or is likely to win - see the Clinton camp's email re: Pennsylvania) are actually losing, in spite of cold hard fact.

While I sit here watching the rhetoric get dirtier and dirtier - Carville's hateful comment about Richardson's endorsement of Obama, Obama's advisor's snide remark about the blue dress, I'm reminded of the Cold War. And what did we learn happens if the cold war were to continue. Mutually Assured Destruction.

So Hilldawg, I ask you - don't do this. Please. Let the party move on, and chase something you can win, like the head of the Senate, something like that. Let the rest of us living on Planet Earth get back to the important business of preventing 4-8 years of more of the same.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

News Flash

Wal-Mart is fucking evil. No really--read the whole thing.

This week I'm in hell - must touch about 1500 web pages individually in 3 days, plus 2 hours of training/day and numerous fights with clients who don't agree with the way we've set things up. Doing a con all this weekend. Collapsing sometime next weekend.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 Years Later

...our president is a cocky, one-note, ignorant asshole.

I hope you rot, GW.

What I want in a commander-in-chief... encapsulated in this speech.

Responsible. Straight forward. Balanced and cognizant of the needs and positions of people he does and does not agree with.
