Inside the European Sex Trade (or, why Prague is not as cool as your college friends would have you believe). ZOMG, actual reporting by someone willing to dig into a very dangerous and overlooke situation - is this actually the media?
A double whammy - McCain leads Clinton and Obama in a general election poll, explained by why the Democrats want to lose the presidency, but so do Republicans. Concise, opinionated, and right on. WTF guys. Seriously.
At least Obama has called the Clinton's racial bluff. This article is great on the basis of just one line: "A lot hangs in the balance. Ultimately, the choice will say more about our soul as a nation than about the candidates in this election." I couldn't agree more.
And for those who think Wahabiism is the foundation for modern terrorism, think again after reading this bio on PFLP founder and Christian George Habash. Religion's not the enemy here - it's all politics.
Finally, for you spy people out there, Robert Novak did a great writeup on the recent maverick operations of the CIA. From distruction of tapes that would be evidence of waterboarding to setting policy (thankfully, but not properly) by leaking the facts that Iran has no nuclear program, the CIA seems to be taking lessons from Jack Bauer on how to go about getting the job done. It's scary reading, but that's what the news should be.
And don't forget to remember 1-31-07, a day that shall live in infamy of stupidity.
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