Yesterday, I finished the last of my Spycraft 2.0 contributions, only 8000 words over my allotted amount. Huzzah! But there's no rest for the wicked, and I've immediately launched into the development of Ten Thousand Bullets on a full-time basis (at least, in a part-time way). Things are finally looking up for the elusive Project X. More on that as things gel up.
Espionage, fo' rizzle?
Gizoogle is the shizzle. Just check out this search for Spycraft. I can't wait to see the Ten Thousand Bullets translation :)
And speaking of the D-O-double-G, you see...
All wannabe pimps and players would do well to get theyself a copy of Pimp: The Backhanding, which looks absolutely hysterical. For a taste, check out the Valentine's Day Card generator. Best quote is from Crack: "Flowers? You know we can't smoke flowers, baby!"
Yesterday, I finished the last of my Spycraft 2.0 contributions, only 8000 words over my allotted amount. Huzzah! But there's no rest for the wicked, and I've immediately launched into the development of Ten Thousand Bullets on a full-time basis (at least, in a part-time way). Things are finally looking up for the elusive Project X. More on that as things gel up.
Espionage, fo' rizzle?
Gizoogle is the shizzle. Just check out this search for Spycraft. I can't wait to see the Ten Thousand Bullets translation :)
And speaking of the D-O-double-G, you see...
All wannabe pimps and players would do well to get theyself a copy of Pimp: The Backhanding, which looks absolutely hysterical. For a taste, check out the Valentine's Day Card generator. Best quote is from Crack: "Flowers? You know we can't smoke flowers, baby!"