Today is a Good Day
...and not because the Dems have broken the Republican block (actually, I'd blame the Republicans themselves for that loss - the Contract with America blew up in their face, and croneyism and thuggery painted all members of the party with the same brush). Besides, the Dems still have to prove to the country they're actually worthy to lead us.
No, it's a good day because the chickens have come home to roost. Iraq's biggest problem has been swept away. Bush is cringing because he can't bully the Dems anymore. The religious right has learned it does not represent the core of America's values. And maybe people will remember the most important thing: compromise is the core of democracy. If you don't compromise on anything in pursuit of your goals alone, you're a fascist. The end.
...and not because the Dems have broken the Republican block (actually, I'd blame the Republicans themselves for that loss - the Contract with America blew up in their face, and croneyism and thuggery painted all members of the party with the same brush). Besides, the Dems still have to prove to the country they're actually worthy to lead us.
No, it's a good day because the chickens have come home to roost. Iraq's biggest problem has been swept away. Bush is cringing because he can't bully the Dems anymore. The religious right has learned it does not represent the core of America's values. And maybe people will remember the most important thing: compromise is the core of democracy. If you don't compromise on anything in pursuit of your goals alone, you're a fascist. The end.