Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ahh! Wedding!

I'm getting close...and things are piling up. Just bought the last of the groomsman/minister gifts today, lined up most of the wedding day plans before the photos, got the last of the reservations made for the mini-moon post-wedding made on Monday, working on vows and ceremony now, still need to work out the dance routine and clean up house and yard...crap we're almost one week away! Panic!

Previously in Alex's life...
I did Bachelor Party 2: Son of Bachelor Party on Saturday and ye GODS did I get hammered. I've been hearing stories that I don't remember at all - I remember everything including the drinking at the bar, the 5 hours in the strip club, and of course the chair dance with three lovely brunettes...and then nothing. So it worked out :)

However the recovery has not been so hot...slept 20 hours on Sunday (!!) and most of the day Monday. Ate my first full meal since Saturday night on Wednesday. Yeesh.

And on the Crafty front
I'm sure you all have seen the sneak peek of the new website, yes? It's almost done in the first iteration - there will be changes and doubtless some things that come up while it's being utilized heavily, but for the moment we seem to be pretty much good. New site's going to have a lot of cool new features and bits and bobs for you to explore, so hopefully we will achieve greater utility than the previous site. DNN has been much harder to use than it first appeared, but at least I didn't have to learn &*)#ing PHP.

And in case yo uwere wondering what happened between Star Wars and Empire...

This reveals all. Hi-larious.


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