Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Monday, July 21, 2003

T-Minus 3 days and counting...
Here's a little update to the Gencon schedule:

*I've got proposals for Project X and Y done (Project X's tops 100 pages of crunchy goodness, and is only half done!!), as well as work on the Shop and the demo kit finished up. Just a little spit and polish and I should be ready to go!

*Clayton wanted me to tell yall where he's going to be. If you want to catch him, here's his availability:

Thursday: 2 pm - 6 pm - AEG Booth
Friday: 10-2 - AEG booth, getting ready for Spycraft LARP, 7-1 am - LARP
Saturday: 2-6 - AEG booth
Sunday: 2-6 - AEG booth

*Scott will be over at the Twilight Creations booth, most likely running demos of "The Most Dangerous Game," the new Spycraft boardgame expansion for When Darkness Comes, in the mornings (probably from 10-2 or whenever). So come learn a cool new game with everyone's favorite design lead!

*Rodney Thompson, the newest and greenest of the bunch, will be doing lots of Star Wars related stuff at the show (he's Moradin from the Star Wars RPG Network of ENnies fame, donchaknow!), but is able to take some time away for the Spycraft LARP, which should be tons of fun. Rodney will probably miss his signing opportunity this year (as SG-1 is still printing up) but bring your Star Wars stuff anyway :)

*As for me, I'm going to be a merc, as I don't have a booth and I have a lot of people to go out and meet up with. I'll spend at least one morning over at the Twilight booth learning "The Most Dangerous Game", will probably spend some time on Thursday over at the Paradigm booth with the Furious Three from FL, and will be floating about doing some visiting with fans or at the Privateer Press booth networking. If you want to catch me, I should surely be at the Friday Spycraft seminars noted below, and I'm 100% for the LARP Friday night. I'll seeya when I seeya!


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