Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Thursday, July 17, 2003

T-Minus 6 Days and Counting...
Gencon is nearly upon us, and I'm in a frenzy trying to get ready. Sure, I don't have the Project Y (or even the Project X) proposals done yet, I've got outstanding work on the Shop book due tomorrow, Dragonstar is sitting on my desk, and my demo kit isn't finished - what, me worry? Never! That's what weekends are for. At least I have a place to stay and my flights are nailed down :)

For those of you looking to meet the designers of Spycraft at the show, I don't know we'll be having meet-and-greets in the format we did last year in Wisconsin. I will be roving the show and attending meetings with prospective publishers, Scott will be working the Twilight Creations booth part of each day (probably the mornings), and Clayton sold his soul to do Bounty Hunter work (meaning he'll be running 2 games a day all 4 days). If you want to catch me or any of my fellows, try the Twilight Creations, Paradigm Concepts or AEG booths (they probably won't know where we are if we're not there, but we might be hanging around). The best time to catch us formally is Friday; there are two seminars slated starting at 2 - 'Spycraft Q&A' and 'Building a Better Agent' - followed by the Spycraft LARP starting at 7 PM (up against the ENnie awards, sorry). I would recommend showing up early for the seminars or LARP, as we'll all surely be there (even the elusive fan-favorite Developer of the Year, Patrick Kapera, as the host). Hope to see you there!

Game Designer for a Day
Hey kids! Want to see your work in print? Then why not submit your gadget ideas to the Shadowforce Archer Shop Gadget Contest? 4 winners will get to see their creations in print, receive a free copy of The Shop Threat Book, and get bragging rights with their buddies. Check out the Shop Contest rules to find out what you need to do!


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