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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Glad to Know the Bush Doctrine Transcends the Lower 48

Only 1 of 13 subpoenaed in the Palin trooper firing probe appears for court.

This really is outstanding, folks. The antimedia brush of the McCain-Palin campaign is now being used to paint everything - including previously ongoing ethics investigations - as "partisan." Or, was that "Democratic partisans?" (thanks for that sound bite, guys - if only the Democrats were more like real partisans, maybe this election would be going better. Seriously, Gov. Palin...take notes.)

This deliberate and shameful misreading of the law is in play for full view (please take note):

Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein argued Thursday that Todd Palin did not have to comply with a subpoena because Alaska state law bars ethics investigations of people running for elected office. Though the law appears to apply only to candidates for state office, a McCain-Palin spokesman said the subpoenas violate "the spirit of the law, if not the letter."

Todd is NOT ELECTED. The investigation was previously running. And THEY'RE NOT RUNNING FOR POSITION IN STATE OFFICE. Are you saying that the easiest way to get out of potential investigation is to be nominated for office? That would explain the influx of thieves and liars into the highest offices of the land, I suppose...The plot is obvious here - conceal, obfuscate, and steal the election before anyone gets wise. Don't be fooled.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to recent polls, since Palin was announced as McCain's VP, the number of women supporting the GOP ticket has fallen, while the numbers of risen for the Dems.

Sure, it's only a poll, but I think there's some truth to it. I can't wait for the debates. I think it's going to be a massacre!

2:55 AM  

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