Bloggin' with AscentStudios

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Who's Having the Unity Problem, Again?

Funny to watch the Republican "commentator" scramble at the DNC convention this week in Denver. The strategies of the home stretch are becoming clear: "Obama's not ready to lead - even his opponents for the big seat said so in political advantageous settings!" - but of course, it could be said that conservatives say very nice things about Obama, too.

McCain's campaign lacks a clear definition of why the party support their candidate, other than the fact he's on the ticket. As a friend of mine noted, 'being the angry candidate makes you the losing candidate.' So what has he got, other than disdain for the excitement Obama has generated with the people (and to a degree, for young voters in general)? Experience? You could argue what we're missing in this nation is not experience, but good judgement. After all, the longer Bush is in office, the worse his judgement seems to get...Discretion? Aside from gaffes about political geography (Russia is NOT the Soviet Union, Pakistan does NOT border Iraq, etc.), there's the whole Keating scandal that has not been addressed yet - and you KNOW that will come up if the GOP insists on bareknuckling everything. Obama's from Chicago politics, remember.

The desperation is palpable. McCain is desperately scrambling for the limelight up against Obama's rally with "an exciting new ad" and threats of an annoucnement of his VP candidate on Thursday against Obama's acceptance speech. Apparently, Karl Rove has called Lieberman to ask him to remove himself from a McCain ticket! And Romney, who clearly wants second chair, is out there getting more support than McCain is in Nevada. Going negative, making Obama the issue of the campaign, seems the only way to rally the troops - "Better me than him."

While the convention has had some issues, IMO - such a strong central message and the continual reluctance of the Clintons to relax their grip - it's working out. It'd be interesting to see Obama stage a counter rally against the RNC next week - my guess is the turnout would exceed that of the convention itself.



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