McCain Hates Gamers
Sure, he hates the Vietnamese. He hates liberals. He hates the national media. But gamers? Surely not...until I read this. When confronted with a McCain P.O.W. story that sounds suspiciously like a story from The Gulag Archipelego (even though this is currently being debated) campaign aid Michael Goldfarb said
Apparently, those literate enough to read Solzhenitsin must also be thumb-sucking mamma's boys, whose use of their own judgement instead of the line of BS streaming from campaign HQ only proves they are pasty-faced, dice-rolling gamers who know nothing of real life lies, plagarism and misrepresentation.
I'm with the gamers on this one.
EDIT: Not surprisingly, is 26 pages of pissed about this comment (big surprise there). The cupie doll for best response goes to Bahama'at:
Sure, he hates the Vietnamese. He hates liberals. He hates the national media. But gamers? Surely not...until I read this. When confronted with a McCain P.O.W. story that sounds suspiciously like a story from The Gulag Archipelego (even though this is currently being debated) campaign aid Michael Goldfarb said
“It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others,” he wrote.
Apparently, those literate enough to read Solzhenitsin must also be thumb-sucking mamma's boys, whose use of their own judgement instead of the line of BS streaming from campaign HQ only proves they are pasty-faced, dice-rolling gamers who know nothing of real life lies, plagarism and misrepresentation.
I'm with the gamers on this one.
EDIT: Not surprisingly, is 26 pages of pissed about this comment (big surprise there). The cupie doll for best response goes to Bahama'at:
My official response: Fuck you and fuck your chickenhawk war snuffporn ass. Your party morphed a war hero into Saddam fucking Hussein to win an election you shit-eating cretin. You mocked another veteran's service with fucking band-aids and lies!! You've denounced, denied, demonized and dismissed every man and woman currently wearing or who ever wore a uniform that dared point out to your brain-damaged soul that your magical fantasy land doesn't jive with reality. Now you have the fucking GALL to pull this "respect the vet" shit now?
Technically, it's not actually McCain who thinks like this, but it's still on his site. I don't think it will get taken down, most gamers will just ignore the comment and get on with their lives.
And now for the low-brow comment: "Oddly enough, McCain is old enough to remember a time when there were dungeons and dragons." :p
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