Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Self Delusion - A Transcript.
For the uninitiated, "DDO," here, refers to Dungeons and Dragons Online, a massively multiplayer online (MMO) RPG.

(9:00:36 AM) Alex: you still playing DDO?
(9:00:43 AM) Chester99: yeah
(9:00:45 AM) Chester99: you?
(9:00:52 AM) Alex: yep, still not playing DDO
(9:01:06 AM) Chester99: sweet. how's that working out for you?
(9:01:10 AM) Alex: Great
(9:01:18 AM) Chester99: well keep it up then
(9:01:20 AM) Alex: I have lots of free time AND a healthy social life
(9:01:24 AM) Alex: good times
(9:01:34 AM) Chester99: you have a healthy social life?
(9:01:40 AM) Chester99: you have free time?
(9:01:51 AM) Alex: well, free time which I then spend working. But still.
(9:01:57 AM) Chester99: yeah...
(9:02:02 AM) Chester99: I'm onto your little game
(9:02:17 AM) Alex: And I suppose my social life isn't that healthy. But then, my friends are assholes and don't follow through whenever I make plans with them.
(9:02:27 AM) Alex: So, I'm really an overworked shut-in
(9:02:33 AM) Alex: but I'm still not playing DDO and feelin' fine about it
(9:02:38 AM) Chester99: at least you're now honest when called on it

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Blogger Chuckles said...

I have a healthy social life and still play WoW. Well, my WoW peeps bitch about my slow leveling and lack of commitment to the guild, but they aren't women (AFAIK) nor are they rushing to blow me.

Not that I am surrounded by women who are rushing ahead (ahem) in real life, either, but at least there is a chance of that happening.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

Chuck, I hear if you tap your foot in a men's room, you'll find someone to blow you real quick.

3:59 PM  

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