Bloggin' with AscentStudios

Join Alex's epic journey as he experiences the trials, tribulations, thrills and chills as an RPG designer...

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I'm Due

...Overdue, in fact, for an update. Let's see what's doing this week:

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
Now that I've mostly finished the most important project on my plate, I'm moving on to some new, refreshing work - namely, another job application, getting some work for Privateer Press finished up, sheparding my most recent product to the printer and selling a *buttload* of wargaming stuff lingering in my basement. Everything must go! BUY BUY BUY!

*ahem* So, if you know anyone on the lookout for some rare Games Workshop or Foundry miniatures, I'm your man. I have a complete set of Warhammer Quest (I mean everything - all expansions and character packs included), a bunch of old Rogue Trader era books (WAAGH the Orks and RT compendium), tons of old White Dwarfs, Eldar and Dark Angel Space Marines from 2nd edition and a lot of Chaos stuff still in the box, and of course Warhammer Fantasy junk. I need to move it, so if you want to get it for right around 50% retail, email me.

Well, the first review of Mastermind has shown up, and it's pretty snarky. Apparently the reviewer saw's review section as a place to air his complaints about the Spycraft line rather than talk about that particular book. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, but I feel it is...less than balanced. Anyone who cares to give a second opinion - whatever that may be - on the book itself would be appreciated.

Oh yeah, and there's work in there somewhere
Not a whole lot going on on the writing front at this point - I continue to toil on Projects X and Z while I have a little downtime waiting for Spycraft 2.0 development. I think next year is going to be a big year for Spycraft, and to be honest I only know a few things that should be hitting the shelves. Call me a goob.

Still nothin' on the Weird Campaign Idea of the Month front, either. Not that I can talk about at least. Maybe in September. Yeah, that'd be perfect. I'll try and come up with something in the meantime.


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