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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Thursday, October 09, 2008

A Weepingly Funny Double Standard

McCain sets the Ayers attacks in the context of a question of honesty into full steam. You lying sonofabitch - shall we got to the tape?

In his strongest personal criticism since his faltering campaign began casting Obama as an unknown and unacceptable candidate, McCain told supporters that Obama had not been truthful in describing his relationship with former radical William Ayers. The Arizona senator also said Obama himself has "a clear radical, far-left pro-abortion record."


"Look, we don't care about an old, washed-up terrorist and his wife," McCain said. "That's not the point here."


"Barack Obama and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. Friends. They've worked together for years," the ad says. The ad also claimed that one of the nonprofits on which Obama and Ayers worked was a radical education foundation.


"Are Americans having an opportunity to ask all the questions and are we receiving straight answers from our opponent?" Palin asked. The crowd shouted, "No!"


McCain also repeated the false claim that Palin opposed the so-called Bridge to Nowhere, for which she campaigned in her race for governor and accepted federal money to build. When the project drew national scorn as an example of wasteful spending, Congress withdrew its support for the bridge but Alaska kept the money for other projects.

Who has the honesty issue? Who is now relying very heavily on distortions or outright falsehoods to tear his opponent down? Who is trying to use sleight of hand to steal the presidency? Whose articulation of fixing the economy is "I know how to fix it?"

EDIT: Even better - the McCain campaign clears Sarah Palin of all wrongdoing in Troopergate! PHEW! That's a load off.


Seriously, WTF are these people on?!?!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain knows how to fix the economy like he knows how to find bin Laden. I'm sure he'll conveniently forget how to do both when he loses the election.

I do worry that his way to complete both, however, is by bombing Iran.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

Amen, brother. Check the self-clearing of Palin here, too. Jeebis - I cringe to think this travesty may be running the country.

9:54 PM  

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